Summer Sunday Salad

Here we go then, the first ‘Jump to the Recipe’ post of just the recipe and nothing else! Enjoy. x

Jump to the Recipe

I love cookery, baking and recipe blogs. I love the photos, the chatter and the backstory. But so many times, I want to get to that recipe right now! Are you guilty of the same? Quick scan of the story and then search for that button to take you straight to the recipe. One of…

Celebrating a Sunny Day

It’s true! In the UK we are obsessed with the weather and even a sudden change in temperature will become a feature on the news and hit the headlines. The hottest April day for 7 years, the papers tell us. At 26C some would say it isn’t that hot, but it is enough to bring…

Wonky Peppers and a Bit of Spice

With an awful lot of cookery books and a habit of buying more, I still love to look in the cupboards and see what is there to inspire me. Other times I will look through a magazine, fancy a recipe and find I don’t have all I need. That’s where the fun begins! Sticking to…

Even the simplest salad deserves dressing up

I try to have at least one salad a day, usually made up from what I have. I work on the theory that if I like the taste of it, in it goes. Life shouldn’t be too complicated should it? And neither should salads. Okay, there are days where I might spend ages chopping and…

In the beginning …

Why am I doing this? I am not sure, but as my sister reminded me, ‘life is too short to sit and wonder if …’ So this is the beginning of a blog that will share my love of cooking, cookery books, ingredients and eating. (Plus anything else that catches my eye.) It may not…

The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me! Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton